Friday, June 18, 2010

G20 Location Bonehead Decision

So I sent this one to Jim Flaherty because he went on record to say that G20 in downtown toronto plus 1.2+++ billlllion dollar price tag is "neccissary to contribute to the global community..."

Hey Jim,
I saw you on the news today telling us Canadians that "that is what it costs to play on the international field of politics". I'm not a politician, Jim, but over a billion dollars is a lot for a few days of meetings. I'm sure we can agree that security is of utmost importance. However, downtown Toronto is not a very secure place! Why was downtown chosen??? Downtown toronto means the MOST security to cover, meaning, it is the most expensive place in the all of the country for this meeting.

I can think of a dozen other places that would've worked fine for this damned meeting, starting with giving everyone an HD projector and a big white screen so that they can conference from the comfort of their own countries!

And now the fallout costs!!!

Like the AGO, our city is losing out on tourism revenue ALL OVER THE CITY!!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?!?!?!?!

The stupidest thing that happened in Canada in 2010 will definately go down as the G20 Summit in downtown toronto. It is completely shutting down the city. Completely retarded, Jim.



If I'm yelling at the wrong person, please feel free to correct me. But I know I'm not the only Canadian who feels this way about this situation.

Maybe it's not too late to change location, eh?

I'll be protesting, but I haven't decided what my sign should say. Maybe, "We're Not always This Dumb"

- Mike Sutherland

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Credit Note Expiration is Illegal in Canada

Hey. You know how when you don't use your Skype credit within 180 days, then it expires? What happens to that money?
Does it go straight to your shareholders? Does it go to the manager who made that the decision? Does it to the the wallets of your CEOs who decided on having a policy whereby if people don't use your service very much, then they might lose all they have invested?

What is this? A game, to you?


Much like gift cards that stores sell to their customers... Some years ago, the laws changed here in Canada and those cards (which used to have a 365 day expiry date) are no longer allowed to expire. You should adjust your Canadian policy to fit with our laws.

Your Truly,
- Mike Sutherland

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Fair Concessions regarding CUPE LU416 Strike

Okay you guys. Enough already. The city smells! Why are you doing this to your home???

YOU SHOULD ALL KEEP IN MIND THAT THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF UNEMPLOYED PEOPLE WHO WOULD GLADLY TAKE YOUR PAY FOR YOUR JOB. THEY WOULD ALSO FORFEIT ANY SICK DAYS that are AVAILABLE OR BANKED, FOR YOUR JOB. THEY MIGHT EVEN WORK FOR THE CITY AND NOT EXPECT SICK DAYS. I would bet they would even settle for your job for less money than you are currently making, some of them might even take the job for a whopping $4-5/hr drop from you're making.

Inside and Outside Workers of Local 416 You should consider the fact that you are VERY VERY replaceable.
Whoever gets this email, I hope you make my feelings and MOST TORONTONIANS known to your members. You should ALL stop for a minute and think about how badly the city hurts for money. While your members might also be hurting for money, they should actually be thankful that they even have a job.

The city aught to be canvassing people drawing from EI and other unemployed individuals for your jobs if you keep this up. IT IS DESPICABLE AND I HAVE NO RESPECT FOR YOUR UNION IN THIS MATTER.

I am not a union hater. It's just yours.

- Mike Sutherland

(Yes I did email it to


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Banks' Secret Checking Account Scandal

This is something I have learn about just now folks. By connecting the dots with your imagination and my words, you too can see what I'm talking about. It is a sickly business those banks are running.

Sent to TD Customer Service:
What is with your slowness of making my deposits be available for use? Usually it doesn't bother me, but I feel like TD has deliberately cut staffing or something to specifically keep funds out of people checking accounts. This will accrue them a day or two's worth of interest if they are running a tight budget.
I'm sure that's not the case and you have been keeping your policy of 2-3 business days. I'm sure it's all in my head. This is just how I feel.
I feel this way because I have been loyal to my deposit amounts for over ten years. When someone pays me with a cheque, that's my payday. That day, I have received money; Not in 2-3 business days.
I do hope that there are no gains to be made from people turning to cheque cashing services, and basically throwing away money at businesses like that. I'm going to have to look up your investments, TD.... now I'm on to you. I'm sure there is nothing illegal about it and that is "just the way it is".
We'll see, TD. We'll see. Have a beautiful day.

Yours Truly,
- Mike Sutherland

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Thanks for what, Petro-Canada

I am just writing because as I was browsing your financial documents, I could not find the number of litres sold in the past three months from Apr 1, 08 to Jun 30, 08 (the second quarter). This is the same second quarter which has your net profit posted at about 650 million dollars over what you made last year in the same quarter.
I was looking for the number of litres sold at the gas pumps during that quarter because I wanted to divide that excess net profits of 650 million by the number of litres sold in the past three months to find out exactly how much you ACTUALLY ripped us off PER LITRE in the last three months at the pumps.
If you could get back to me soon, I would really like to know.

Thank you,
- Mike

Sunday, May 11, 2008

More from FFXI

The following is my chat transcript with an employee of Playonline (the company that runs FFXI):
SER James: Hello, Mike, thank you for contacting the PlayOnline Information Center. Just a few moments while I review your question, please.
SER James: How can I help you?
Mike Sutherland: Ser james! how are yoU?
Mike Sutherland: I have a couple of questions, acutally.
Mike Sutherland: First I was wondering if ever an Intel Graphics Controller GMA X3100 will ever be supported.
SER James: More than likely not.
SER James: We are only currently supporting true graphics cards from NVIDIA and ATI.
Mike Sutherland: Secondly, I am wondering on why you don't give family discounts on the POL Service. Like, I pay 13 bucks and my wife wanted to play so we were forced to buy a whole nother copy of hte game and now we pay 26 bucks combined!
Mike Sutherland: but it just doesn't seem fair that we have to pay so much. Can Playonline ever lower its prices? I mean, 13 bucks a person is a lot to ask!
SER James: As to the second question, the decision on pricing is made by corporate, and unfortunately I wouldn't be able to explain why corporate has not decided to provide any sort of discounts to service.
Mike Sutherland: do yo know how we can make some noise about this issue? FFxI is prolly the most expesive game i've ever played... and it prolly won't last for too long at this price..
SER James: Comments and Suggestions can be submitted through the website, by clicking on Service & Support, then the "send us email" link, and scroll down to the form for Comments and Suggestions Mike Sutherland: yeah but that just goes to their junk mail...
Mike Sutherland: i've put comments in before but i think POL's servers just delete them automatically is what i am saying.
SER James: All comments and suggestions are read, Mike.
SER James: There is no guarantee that we will immediately leap forward and put them into action, but they are all read.
Mike Sutherland: :) so maybe if I send a new comment every day regarding the prices, maybe some action will happen.
Mike Sutherland: maybe i'll talk to more people online and they too can send in comments regarding pricing.
SER James: In all honesty, while you are free to put in however many comments you wish, I personally strongly doubt that any changes in pricing will come about.
Mike Sutherland: yeah but why? why do you strongly doubt that?
SER James: It's been the same price for five years now, and that's worked for us since day one.
SER James: Everyone pays the same prices across the board per account.
Mike Sutherland: I have no perspective from your point of view, so maybe if the billions in profits can be vindicated, I wouldn't be so annoyed.
SER James: If the customer wishes to have more then one account, then that is their decision.
Mike Sutherland: this is true, but POL turns so much profit it makes me sick at night sometimes.
SER James: We're a company like any other, Mike.
Mike Sutherland: it's not fair james. it's simply not fair.
Mike Sutherland: Anyway, thanks for your time. i'll move myself over now tot he comments & suggestions now.
SER James: Thank you for visiting PlayOnline Chat support, Mike! Take care and hope to see you online!

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Pizza's Disrepecting my Time

I am not going to order a pizza until this is resolved. I will be doing you that favour just in case you need to look at my "last order" from the following:
I ordered a pizza yesterday, in the evening, and when I went into the store to pick it up there was people in line. I went up to the counter, ahead of the people, and told the guy I had a pickup. He seemed to acknowledge me and then went on to serve two other people in front of me.
After asking me a second time what i wanted (3 mins later), i told him again, that i wanted my pickup order. Realizing his mistake he dropped what he was doing and grabbed my pizza, and charged my credit card.

I had called the order in. Order Number: 59710775 (Obtained from Customer Service @ a call center)
From store number: 14

I was really annoyed at the situation, especially because I knew you have a policy of "If you don't have your pizza by X:XXpm, etc., then it is free".

So today I decided to try and get rid of my annoyance, and I called in to get a credit for one little pizza! The first lady passed me to her supervisor who could also do nothing because the order was placed yesterday!

My issue now is about that policy! What kind of customer service are you trying to push on us when you stop caring about us after the "end of the business day"??? It is a downright customer-service-COP-OUT! How can you stand behind that?

After I got my pizza, I was annoyed, but I wanted to eat it ASAP. So I drove home and ate it. Then I was tired and went to sleep. I wanted to call yesterday, but I didn't feel like it at the time because I was so tired. The fact of the matter is that it is not fair that it took so long, and all I want is a credit for 1 large pizza with 3 toppings! :)

Can't you accommodate such a simple resolution!? It seems like you'd rather LOSE a loyal customer with this time sensitive customer satisfaction policy.

In comparison, sometimes I go thru Mcdonald's drive-thru, and sometimes they screw something up, but I'm driving through because I'm in a hurry! So the next time I go back to McD's, I tell them they screwed up, and show them the receipt and they simply give me a free meal! And, in case you were wondering, that is service,

Thank you for your time, and you can reach me to leave a message at any time. I would still like to resolve this because pizza pizza should always be a good Ontario-grown business that I can stand behind. Right now, I cannot. Not until you amend your policy and treat your customer's time with a little more respect.

Response: We have applied a credit of $10 under your phone number. Just phone the ordering line and let an order taker know when you'd like to use it. (the credit will expire in 6 months) Thank you for letting us know, and sorry for the trouble.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Playonline's Monopoly of FFXI

Attached is the email I sent:
i wrote not too long ago to you.


Thanks for ignoring me, first off.

Secondly, I'm trying to find out about getting my wife on this game. I think it is absolutely retarded if I have to find A SECOND copy of the game if someone wants to play with me. Hundreds of other games allow "local" multi-player-ability without having to own two versions.

Is there some way you could let me log on to two different computers and two only at the same time? Wouldn't that promote a social interest in the game? Imagine if people were allowed to log in twice, they could let their friends play a white mage while they are visiting. Then they'll like the game so much, they'll want it at their house. Since it is a different accessing IP address, they cannot use my account, so they go and buy your game!


Which brings me to my third topic. Can I have a copy of your financial statements? I would like to know the details of where this billions of billions of dollars is being spent that all us players pay you. 13 dollars a month is retarded compared to many MANY other online games. In fact, I ask you to give me a discount for giving you the idea about playing with other friends on local networked PCs.

I'm not going to stop bothering you guys about these things either.

Yours Truly,
- Mike Sutherland

PS, sorry I haven't been around much. more to come

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

My recent visit to aeroplan points dot com

Dear Aeoplan Points People,
My points expired and I am angry that you deleted them. You guys have ZERO publicity so how do you expect people to use your card 1/year if they're never asked?

The only conclusion is that aeroplan points are a stupid waste of time, just like this email.

Thank you and have a good day,
- mikey.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Gillette Power Stuff

I was wondering what exactly you put in the power stripe of your "gillette power stripe deodorant." I've been trying it out since I received some for christmas, but it's not good. It burns my underarms. I never shaved my armpits before, and now it looks like I did. Don't get me wrong; I'm a fan of gillette, but I think you should re-evaluate the chemicals you're putting in the power stripe. I cannot use power stripe anymore and I just wanted to understand why.
- Mike Sutherland

(PS, i hear anti-persperant gives you cancer, maybe you can elaborate on that too.)

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Little help here?

Hey there all you sports fans! Are you in for a surprise today! I'd like to have an argument about fasting. Cleansing aside, I don't want to hear about the pros of fasting concerning cleansing the system. I want to get to the base of my concern: Negativity doesn't create Positivity.
I was talking with a friend of mine who was taking part in fasting today. He told me that he wasn't even drinking water! He said he really wanted his other friend to be accepted into some thing or other... so he decided to REALLY fast today in order to "make it happen over there".

I strongly believe though, that only Energy can create Energy. I don't feel that depriving yourself of energy will, in turn, let more energy flow to someone or something else. Who would control that? If God is deciding that since you deprived yourself of energy, then and only then will he make the good thing happen to the other person or other thing.

Why would God want you to be so bad to yourself? I believe that He/She only wants what's best for everyone. You can't focus positivity elsewhere by depriving yourself of that very thing.

I would surround yourself with goodness. Give to others, be positive, be as much as you can for everyone you come to see. Do things for others out of the ordinary, UNdeprive someone else of some food. We all know how many street folk there are... give them a muffin, an apple, give something.

Imagine God looking at the two situations, one man depriving himself of all food and water for a day; and the other: giving food and water to those who need it... (yet still drinking and eating for themselves). Wouldn't he favour the latter? No, I'm not saying that God has favourites... it's just figurative. He's not up there thinking, "Hmm... not enough fasting; that person'll get smited tomorrow," right? Why would he promote hurting your body?

That's all for now. Any comments?

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Mikey's Profile??!!


What are you doing looking at my profile? I haven't seen that thing since high school. Okay, that's obviously a lie. When was Da Vinci Code released? Around then? Okay it wasn't that long ago, but I wrote the first part before the books. Somehow I feel that I must explain myself (And by "myself", I mean, "everyone else"). I think that people seem to enjoy prescribing anti-placebos. Making their own analysese and judging. I don't know why. I imagine that there are certain reactions others feel that create these "seeming-to-be-causes". Do you know what I'm talking about?

Since when does NOT understanding where homosexuality comes from turn into "he must be gay". I just don't get it.... It's not that I'm afraid, or that I am curious. I am neither. I just don't see a dick in the same light.

I appreciate an open mind. I definately respect gay people for thinking outside the box (lol...). And I am glad that more people are coming out and being the way that they want to be. That part in my profile that has been editted was in there because I forgot about it. It was not meant to "bash" in any way shape or form. It didn't. It simply said what I just said in the above paragraph... except that blogspot censored some words of frustration. Why would this frustrate me? I don't know; maybe I was pining for a lesbian at the time.

Lets get past this. Stop raising that eyebrow at me. You don't need to wonder behind my back. And you don't need to think less of me because "I can't get behind that." It's not my show. I'm not in that arena and I'm not making any argument.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

a 'beef' with Canada's Wonderland

You've got no damned vegetarian selection. I went to Mr. Sub, and yeah, they offered the "Vegetarian" sub, but I don't want a salad and bread! Where the hell did Tuna go? How abou Eggsalad? I could understand about Eggsalad, but Tuna?? The stuff can be stored in cans. It's easy to process than slicing ham!
Even the "Roadside Cafe" and the "You Go Grill" could carry Vegedogs and vegeburgers. Every place should have at least two variations of vegetarian alternativces.
I was only satisfied with the Backlot Cafe.

I think you could easily implement some changes pretty quickly. I'll be coming again around the middle of August, so I'll be looking for better vegetarian alternatives.

Dear Mikey,

Thank you for contacting Paramount Canada's Wonderland.

I am deeply sorry for the inconvience. The reason we opened Backlot Cafe was to offer a somewhat of a vegetarian menu.We sincerly appreciate your concerns and comments, it's a big thanks to guest's like yourself that Paramount Canada's Wonderland gets better each year and will continue to get better.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at 905-832-8131.

Angela Morano
Guest and Information Services

Saturday, August 05, 2006


This email was sent under an an alter-alias to someone else's email address, so I may not know the end of it. I personally thought it was so fucking ridiculous, I just thought it would be better, if they actually did respond, if a co-worker receives the reply.



I am a corporate purchaser for a large electronics & gadgets chain in Canada. Would you be able to supply a gigantic supply of these? We've got thousands of stores accross canada, so we're going to need at least 50 000 units.

I want every store selling them before Christmas. Could you do 5.00 per unit? We'll figure out the shipping.

If you could get back to me soon, it would be much appreciated.

Thanks very much,

- Bob.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Subway, Round II

    I'm writing because of your apparent lack of care or effort of what your franchises are doing to your reputation.
    "Sandwhich Artists"... MY ASS! I rarely come to a Subway anymore that still makes a good sandwich. Some of them suck ass. I can count on my one hand the number of stores I've seen with real "sandwich experts". Enough of the overall insults. Here's what I've got to say:
    The store at Coxwell & Danforth in Toronto, ONT, has completely gone down the shitter recently. It has been heading in that direction for about a year... I'm not sure... I've only been frequenting this one for a year. As long as I can remember this one particular employee, a short haired lady, has been employed there. She has become SOO disgruntled that she makes me sick just THINKING about going to your store.
    Today I learned that her employer has been working her through 16 hour shifts sometimes. I suppose that could drive a person to her level of disgruntledness. She was crazy-bitter with me. No verbal or any sort of acknowledgement when I arrived in-store (I was the only one in there at the time). Then she procedes to wipe down the salt & pepper shaker, and rinse her damned cloth before for grunting, "can-i-help-you". And then she has the gusto to take off the 3rd 1/2 slice of cheese that was "accidently" placed on my sub (since when is it company policy to put only two slices of cheese on a half sub? Two slices doesn't even stretch to cover the whole sandwich). We argued about that for twenty seconds or more, and then blames her reluctance to put the cheese back on, due to pressure from her employer (once more).

    Stingy managers make poor faces for large companies. Furthermore (Here's the worst part), the last THREE times I've been in there (over a period of two weeks), the lettuce has been browning (badly - not slimy, but bad brown). The one CS guy blames it on the factory. Once again, MY ASS, that a lettuce producing factory would ship out OLD lettuce! I haven't heard of a produce shortage in Ontario, so why is he skimping out with me, the customer? What happened to "Eat Fresh"?!?! It's not just the lettuce, the last few times I've been in there, the tomatoes have been terribly crappy. Old and mushier than I've ever stood before.

    Subway, you've got to do something about that manager. He's putting your business to shame and I'm sick of it (almost literally).

- Mikey.


Updates: They wrote me back and are "looking into it"

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Tim Horton's Advertising

Dear Tim,
I was watching your commercial with the Caramel Iced Capp, and I'm a little confused about how the man on the boat got his Iced Capp. Did he go through a drive-thru, park the truck, drive his boat out into the middle of the lake, bait the line and cast his rod before taking a sip of the Iced Capp? Or maybe are you opening aquatic Timmy's "Wave-thru"?
- Mikey.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Can Rogers be pushed?

Rogers, rogers, rogers... such a kaniving little workhorse. Always doing things to make money... who'd''ve thought!?

Anyway! Listen: I was told that My early evenings (the extra $5 bucks a month I pay) would be free for the first year. You have not credited me for that EVER! Every bill I get. I just noticed it today, so I think in total, you probably owe me about $25 bucks.
Secondly, why am EYE getting charged $0.30/minute when I''m calling long distance? What gives? Is is me? Is this some sort of "make-him-break" test? Are the extra long distance charges because I wasn''t in my local calling area and someone called me? Is Long distance something different than that? Am I missing something?

Come on.

Throw me a bone, here.

- Mikey.

------------------Response Follows :) -------------------------------------

Dear Mike Sutherland,

Thank-you for your email. We strive to provide you with the highest
level of customer support, and hope we can be of assistance in
addressing your questions.

Your price plan details indicate that all overage charges are charged at
$0.30 per minute as well as all long distance charges.

I have applied the $5 credit to expire in December of this year. I have
placed a $25 credit on your account for the missing promotion.

If this email did not completely answer your concerns or you would like
further assistance please feel free to visit our Help site at You can also fill out the online form
provided on the site to contact our email department. If you need to
contact us by phone, our number is 1-888-288-4663.

Sherrie A Management Support Team
Case ID: 8496839
Ah well, at least I got the extra 25 bucks.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Lost Battles

Bell Mobility fucking sucks. I'm not going to write them an email to tell them why, this time. "Why?" you ask? Because today was a verbal fight. They're a lot more fast paced and less funny. They're also a lot easier to lose. :(
After getting my bill in the mail today, I decided to fight them on an extra 30 bucks worth of airtime usage. I bought into a $5 Unlimited Canadian Long distance "extra", on my MSF. My MSF is quite low already because I'm cancelling the phone ASAP, so I've only got 50 Mins of usage. I argued that someone told me that "because I have that extra, I don't have to worry about usage on the weekends."
I suppose my first mistake was being an asshole to the first Rep that I spoke to. Next time I want something done for me, I've got to be as polite as possible and get to the supervisor as fast as possible. Especially knowing that they are valid charges.
It definately wouldn't have helped to be an asshole to the supervisor, and I wasn't... It's just that he already got wind of how the first CSR felt about my case.

The whole journalistic quandary is if I should post a 'loss' about myself. I guess I'm just doing this so I can learn better from my mistake. Feel free to laugh AT me, this time.

And I'm sorry to you and I'm sorry to me (lost fucking 30 bucks!). No good feeling entry about my little fight with bell. Just utter resentment towards the company for the rest of their numbered days.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

"I miss time"

There's a lot of things I'd like to complain about today... and the moment I think about where to begin, I get a headache. Working at the Source by Circuit City, I deal mostly with grown-up whiney babies. Everybody's a fuckin' whiner. "What does this do?" "How much is this", "My thing isn't working", "Help me, I'm a fucking moron"...
And now here I am, bitching about everything in my life. Even that "SAVE THE TUNA" guy is getting annoying. And in that VISA card commercial, why the hell is the olympic team all watching TV together in costume? Who does that?
Why can't people just pay me what they owe me? You bastards. My fucking boss is included in that list. Cheap son-of-a-bitch... Everything sucks around this time of year. Everything gets ruined. Nothing lasts forever.
I should send Acer an email for putting the wirelessLAN button at the front of their notebooks. Everytime I lean forward, it turns the wireless network card off.
I have to stop writing this because my mood's only getting worse. Fuck off, I'm leaving.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

is td synonymous for greedy slimebags?

  I've got a problem with you, TD. Maybe it was due to your 'automation', but you've been RIPPING me off for the last three months. In the month of july, august, and september, WITHOUT ME EVEN ACKNOWLEDGING IT or ANYTHING, you switched me over from student checking to INFINITY! what gives?! I RARELY use 20 self serve transactions a month! why the hell would you give me unlimited!? Obviously, I would be more suited to SELF SERVE not INFINITY!
I want you to go back in my history and refund me 6.00/month for the last 3 months, minus 1 dollar for that one full serve transaction i made back in july. An easy way to do that is to change my checking account from 'infinity' to 'self'. why you would have automatically put me to 'infinity' doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
you owe me 17.00 and i don't want to argue about it anymore, i just want you, my bank that i've been with all my life, to make it happen. you can call me to verify my identity at 416-WE-1-DUCK.
thank you and have a nice day.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Bell, can't you just change my address?

This is why I hate bell. Bell sucks on so many dead squirrels that they've contracted some sort of squirrel VD. All I wanted to do was change my address, and I could've made it out to be worse off than it is, but all it should really take is one form on one website. After that, it should send the information to bell, and they make the neccissary changes in their database.
Instead, "Steve" writes me back:

----Original Message Follows----
From: mobility
To: "Mikey"
Subject: Re: Wireless Billing Address change form
Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 12:50:06 -0400 (EDT)

Dear Mr. Mike,

Thank you for using Bell Mobility's Internet Customer Service.
My name is Steve (TSE) and I have read your message carefully. I am
pleased to assist you in this matter.
I regret to inform you that I am unable to assist you at this time since the mobile/account number that you provided in your correspondence is
not a recognized Bell Mobility mobile/account number.

I will be pleased to assist you in this matter if you would kindly contact us again via our Customer Care online at the following URL address:
Please be sure to include the following information: - your name, - complete billing address, - mobile and/or account number
I thank you Mr. MIke for using Bell's Web site and for doing business with us. I hope to have adequately addressed your concerns regarding this matter. Please do not hesitate to contact us again at:
I wish you a pleasant day,
Steve (TSE)
Bell Mobility Online Customer Service

Yeah right, Steve. Ya lazy bastard. (btw, R's have replaced some numbers for the blog)

Original Message Follows:
Why would I go contacting you again if you've already stated that my
information is fucked?

Listen. My cell phone number 416-9R1-3825. Don't try and tell me that that's not my number. I moved a few months ago. I changed my mobile number from 519-31R-8178. And you're still sending my bills to my old address as follows: 217 EdittedOut Lane, London, ont, edit.
I need you to start sending it to me HERE in toronto:
727 EditOut Ave, Toronto, ONT, edit

That's all I'm asking. don't reply back to me and tell me you can't do it because I know you can.

----Original Message Follows----
From: mobility
To: "Mikey"

Dear Mr. Mike
Thank you for using Bell Mobility's Internet Customer Service.

My name is Michelle and I have read your message carefully. I am pleased to assist you in this matter.
I apologize that our previous response did not adequately address your needs.

I have accessed your account and can confirm that your address was updated on June 22, 2005. I have accessed your billing parameters and have discovered that both your old and new address are present on your account in this field.

I have corrected this and assure you that your future invoices will be sent to your new billing address. I apologize for any frustration or inconvenience this situation has caused.

In the future, please refrain from using profanity in your emails to us. I'm sure you do not like being spoken to in such a way and our representatives do not need or want to read it.

Thank you Mr. Mike for your patience and your understanding and for choosing Bell as your wireless provider. I hope the information provided above is clear.

I wish you a pleasant day,
Michelle S. 6003060

Original Message Follows:

Dear Michelle (6003060),
Hey. I'm sorry for my profanity. It was directed at people who aren't very good at their jobs. You, on the other hand, have taken the same information and you've been able to do more with it than our friend Steve (TSE), that makes you exempt from my banter. If you read over Steve's lazy response to me, I think you might be able to understand where I am coming from. I mean, come on... I give him my phone number and then he turns around and says it's not a phone number. (?!). Where did this guy learn to work, anyway?
So, with that being said, I just wanted to thank you. Hopefully I'll start receiving my bill in the future and I won't have to insult bell's general work ethic again.
Have a good one,
- Mikey.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Afew recent words

Good monring! it's 5:30 am over here and it's still saturday night. how does that work? I just realized today that it had been quite a while since I wrote something here and I think the fact of the matter is that there hasn't really been much to complain about. Aside from the odd CSR you run into that just happens to suck ass holes all day long, perhaps I'm just growing accustomed to this crappy planet.

And another thing, when the fuck are dogs going to learn to understand English? who can I write to about that? Thus segways to my personal belief system quite well. By writing this and this alone is all I have to do to voice my opinion and if it has the gusto, or maybe the integrity, or "worth", then just perhaps, it will reach the right person, or even, "entity."
Does that mean I devoutly believe that there are beings, or an "intelligence" that moniter all human communication "just because they can". Does that mean that "they" can extricate plans and schemes to set in motion events leading to coincedences for certain individuals or groups of people? Does this mean that there is a higher power that can "make things happen" just like "God" does?

All I'm saying is that you shouldn't rule it out as a scenario, because I wouldn't be surprised in the least if something like that was the way it is.

Compl3tely off topic for a brief conclusion: I would just like to give the kudos that is deserved of Jess, or more commonly known as, "yellowpony" (which is a nickname I despise), or even as "the slut who enjoys as such" (a much more colourful nickname). I met her in '04 at a halloween party, but she was distracted I think. Just recently in '05, somewhen around september, she showed herself to another party I happened to walk into. She's better looking in person, i'll say that at least. (I'd insert a "woah" here, but it would sound pretty lame, so, instead I'll just mention that I would say it if it was 1997).


Thursday, July 28, 2005

Direct Energy, you SUCK!

I was recently contacted for the THIRD time by these fuckers asking me if I wanted to work for them "in a position that might be suited for me"... Well, I wrote them back this time because I tried out the whole Direct Energy experience. I was trained, got the top marks, people liked me, and even the 'customers' enjoyed my presence. But anyway... here's my response.

Dear Mariana,
    I need to get in touch with someone regarding my experience with Direct Energy. I witnessed the worst display of business practices I have ever seen in a workplace! I understand how the system works. You're getting paid to recruit PEOPLE just like you would a CONTRACT-signing. And the trainers get paid the same way! Everyone cycles through and in the end it's only assholes that remain. And it's the assholes that make the money. You're all nice-y nice while you're recuiting, but everyone's linked to everything and hopefully for you, and for the trainer and for the regional manager and even for the team manager, the new recruit comes out ahead and bullies his way in the door of the next big business and lands that shady deal you guys call a contract.
    I'm outraged at the way Direct Energy goes about their business: with greed, rudeness, disrespect, and ignorance. You may say to me, "well, you just didn't have a good experience..." But the truth is I did have a good experience. I enjoyed going out there trying to help people make informed decisions about their gas prices. BUT THAT'S NOT WHAT YOU TRAINED US FOR (so my team manager says). You train us to barge into the controllers office and demand to see the gas bill for a "quick check" to "make sure they've been registered for price protection".
    Well lemme tell ya something, that may have worked out just great 5 years ago, and it may still work for the new accounts payable manager, but usually most business leaders have heard about you. And yes, the method may work for landing a quick deal every now and again, but for every 1 deal you land, you run into 3 other pissed of business people (pissed off at Direct Energy for their rudeness, disrespect, ignorance, and often, deceipt!), 1 other person that you inadvertantly piss off, 2 people who have "had a bad experience with Direct Energy" and won't talk to you, and 4 or 5 other people who are already connected!
    I know my numbers are off.
    The point is that Direct Energy's method of 'getting deals' has gone the way of the DOOR TO DOOR SALESMEN. You're still sitting there, telling me that "it works," but I've already explained about what happens every time it works. It's not worth it. And if you don't agree with me, then you're an idiot! Because it shouldn't be worth it: Pissing off that many people in one day should NEVER be part of a business's every day routine!!
    I could easily blame the regional manager for not possessing the organizational skills and then continually sending out DE Reps to the same business parks week after week after week.... Or I could blame my asshole team manager for sending to me an area that should be well known as saturated (he says that they don't have the technology to keep track of all the businesses that have already signed up (so that we don't hit them twice (because that's annoying) and get them wondering about what kind of scam they've got themselves into)). But that's besides the point! You're right, it doesn't matter if the area's been saturated. And yes, there are still 1 out of every 7 places that still haven't signed on with a retailer. The point is that, as a company, you need to change! You need to go after contracts in a more organized fashion! I realize it's easier and cheaper to go door to door. But that's LAZY. And that's CHEAP. What kind of image does that show customers??
    You need to get organized. I will not believe anyone who tells me that Direct Energy doesn't keep track of regional lists of businesses that have been signed on to contracts. That would be RETARDED for them not to bother to keep track in an organized fashion. Maybe no one in the company is capable, or maybe they don't care... This is a LATE "heads up" from your pal Mikey, over here, because Direct Energy needs to change or else people are just going to keep hating them and hating them and not renewing and then the company will be gone like the rest of them.
    What does it matter though, right? It's all non-renewable resources! It's all going to be gone in due time and at that point what difference does it make if all your customers consider you to be an annoying company and leave.

    I know there are dozens of big corporations that you should be targetting, 'corporately'. It'd be a little more work to go about it in an organized manner but it would pay off if you could only convince them they're making the right, informed decision.... AND STOP SENDING OUT PEDDLERS! OR AT LEAST MAKE 'YOUR AGENTS' AWARE OF COMPANIES THAT ARE ALREADY SIGNED UP SO THEY DON'T WASTE ALL OF THEIR TIME AND FEEL LIKE A MORON!
    I thought I could make it in your business, but the way it is done is archaic! I mean that by both meanings! The one thing I learned from my trainers and managers is that the only way to get deals is to be a hot girl or a really pushy asshole. I'm neither of those things. Please forward this to your manager until it reaches someone who can make some changes!

Yours fornever,
    - Mike Sutherland (Agent# 857 829)

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Dear Rogers,

Hey listen,
I cancelled my service with you guys because you put that internet bandwidth limit up at only 60GB. I think I went over my limit by about five bucks the last time you billed me. And frankly, I really don't want to pay for that extra bandwidth I used because that is the reason why I refuse to be your customer.
Any chance you could just strick that last five bucks I owe because of your new limit?
- Mike.

Dear Mike Sutherland,

No. Please pay your bill.

We hope we were able to assist you. If our email did not completely
answer your question or you would like further assistance please feel
free to contact us again by replying to this e-mail.

For future reference with respect to this e-mail, please quote
reference number 5017635.

Marlon J.
Rogers Online Customer Care

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Way to NOT go

>>sent to in response to "well, what can you do?"

  I understand that there are only so many tickets to go around. But I also understand that tickets were being sold exclusively through you. So why then, after waiting by my computer at until 10am, should I have a problem getting tickets. I even had that answer to that "skill testing question" that you had to do. I was set up!
  But then no. The "special live promotion code" box had to have a special code in it. Not the answer to the question (alloftheabove), which would have been the obvious choice, but a special code that I'm guessing was only accessible BEFORE the tickets went on sale. How the hell does that make sense?
  I sat there for a half hour trying to figure out what your fucking code was. Trying such classics as "d", "alloftheabove", "all", and "allofthem"... And your link to which was to explain this whole code shanagan was BROKEN! That's real organized, guys. Good work. I noticed the link there on the live 8 info page. I copied right from that location. YOU PUT A .com AFTER THE 15088!!! ONLY JUST NOW AFTER ALL THE FUCKING TICKETS WERE SOLD OUT DID I DELETE THE .COM MANUALLY AND HIT ENTER TO FIND THAT THE PAGE WAS STILL THERE. AND THE ANSWER WAS ALLOFTHEABOVE BUT WITHOUT 'OFTHE'!
  You have no idea how frustrated I am. I expect some sympathy because you guys really SUCKED on this one.

- Mikey.

Monday, June 13, 2005

fickle is thy nature

A few weeks ago something terrible happened to me and my lifestyle. If you don't know about torrents at this point, you're in a sad state of missing out. There are hundreds of torrent sites out there distributing everything you could ever imagine from books to movies and music, programs, games and more (I think I've seen one person seeding AIDS one time).

But anyway, a few weeks ago my favourite torrent site,, was discovered by the FBI (and ICE - whatever the fuck that is). This meant that it was shut down permanently and there was to be no more sharing of the newest movies (the ones still in theatre - but i could get dvd quality from this one site), no more getting the newest music releases before they were available in stores (I had weezer's new one about two weeks ealy!), and worst of all, no more watching TV from my computer.

I stayed current with quite a few television shows... and since the FEDS took my site down, I have missed the last few shows. I don't even know how Lost ended!

Yet today, I look at the way I feel.... and despite the empty media space in my brain-hole, I'm still happy. Perhaps one day I'll finish the series... but I guess I never really cared if Jack and all those fuckers got off the island, or if they were eaten by polar bears, or if they all had mad island sex together. Who cares?

Saturday, June 11, 2005

'sup,... ah... yo.

I hate moving. But I invite you to my photo album. ... it's possible that you might have to be msn enabled to view it... but that's just the way it is, so deal with it.
Does anyone need an electrician apprentice to work for them? I need a job... and until then the drinks are on you, so pray for a lottery win.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Attn: Senior Building Inspector

I know it's kind of an asshole thing to do, but the law's the law folks. You need to have permits to do major renovations.
Mother Fuck. The goddamned building inspector is away on a fucking vacation! So much for this hellhole. I hope burns down.

Who can I complain to about the prejudices involving renting houses out to a couple straight guys in their early twenties.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Still Waiting

One thing that sucks: clogged bowls. Oh great, another fucking marijuana smoking complaint. Just a friendly reminder of tomorrow's March for Mary Jane (or, Marijuana, if you will). Taking place in most country's capitols around the world, totalling about 160 in total, this global event will take place in the afternoon, until about 4:20, and then things are probably going to die down a bit. see for information.

I'm happier in Toronto now. But life's still kinda shitty. I need a job. I need a place to live. This current house (the old house) is getting TORN apart. There's hardly any kitchen and the bathroom's next! And I'm almost out of pants!
On a brighter note, I removed a popcorn kernal that had been stuck in my mouth a way a way back there for almost a week. So that's probably the highlight of this week.

"My soul will have to wait... // Find a heina of my own"

Friday, April 29, 2005

toronto hoe.

In 3 hours, I'm starting a 2-three day voyage with lots of moving, driving, lifting, drinking and smoking. A lot of people think this is a bad move, but I'm finished with London for now. I have to experience more than just living in my grandparents basement whlie I fail out of university into depression. So I'm thankful for the circumstances that have brought me to new, ah, horizons for the future.
Beginning in London, I'm going to attempt to load up a mini-van as full as I can, drive down to Toronto to my friend's house, unload. Then I'll be coming back to london, grabbing a few kegs, filling the van up even more with my stuff, and the jetting back to T.O. This should bring me to abuot 6 or 7pm. Hopefully earlier, but yeah, fucking, right. My parents want the van back at 9... well, they maybe have to scramble for resources because it might not make it back in time.
The next day will be the biggest of all keg parties I'll have yet to help run. Saturday will be a blast no matter what. On the other side of things, the girl that's living in my new place better leave on Saturday because on Sunday, we've got to turn around and move all my stuff, plus my buddy's, into the new place (a 15 min drive or so away from the old house).
We'll see how things go. I hope to have a new number, internet and a job by the end of next week. Good luck, eh?